
What does Cascading Style Sheets mean and what’s the types

What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets is abbreviated as CSS. It is a language used
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What is Bootstrap Programming and Why do we need Bootstrap?

What is Bootstrap? Bootstraps are free and open-source front-end frameworks for building webpages and online
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What is use of jquery and the features of jquery?

What is jQuery? jQuery is a freely available JavaScript library. It’s small and convenient for
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Features of the WordPress, and also plugins of WordPress

What is WordPress? WordPress is the world’s most popular website construction and management platform. The
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What is a website its cookies, Types, and history?

What is a website? An internet site’s main page serves as the hub for all
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The Programming Languages used in Web Design and Development

Web Design: Web design refers to the method of planning, developing, and organising content on
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What are Web Servers it’s Types and Applications?

What is a Web Server? Web servers are a piece of software that provides internet
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What are PHP and the features of PHP programming language?

What is PHP? PHP is an open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented high-level programming language that may
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What is Pycharm for python, features, and Advantages of Pycharm?

What is PyCharm? The actual idea is PyCharm, which is one of the most popular
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What is Python its uses and importance?

What is Python? Python’s a well-known general-purpose programming language with several uses. It has high-level
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