What is Angular JS and the components of Angular JS?
- FrameworksProgramming Books
- June 21, 2022
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What is Angular JS?
An open-source front-end web framework for building JavaScript-based single-page apps is called AngularJS. Google and a group of people and organisations handle Angular JS to a large extent. The AngularJS framework for building single-page apps offers a number of capabilities that significantly reduce the amount of code and work needed to make an application operate. It demands specific components of your application architecture in exchange for the capabilities it provides.
AngularJS referres to as a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework or architecture since it employs a modular approach to developing applications. Each view writes in HTML, and a JavaScript controller module and also model manage the interaction. Even better, AngularJS has established long enough to have undergone extensive testing in large-scale applications.
Depending on the capabilities your application needs, AngularJS may have one or more JavaScript files. Instead of providing all of your apps with a single large JavaScript file, there is a core file that provides the basic framework capabilities. You may then add other files or modules to build on top of the core framework.
When communicating with RESTful APPs, a Resource module, for instance, serves as a wrapper for a basic HTTP service. If the resource module is not being utilised, your application does not need to include the JavaScript file for it.
What are angular js components?
At least one root angular js component, which links a component hierarchy to the page document object model, is present in every angular application (DOM). Each angular js component comprises a class that contains application data and functionality as well as an HTML template that specifies the view to show in the target environment.
We are aware that the template provides the user with a structure for organising and viewing our data. The template + controller combination is therefore such a common and frequent pattern. They may be quickly and easily combined into reusable, independent entities known as angular js components thanks to angular.js. A component creates using the. component() method of an Angular.JS module. The component’s name is in camelCase (for example, myDataComponent), but in our HTML, we’ll use kebab-case (for example, my-data-component). By default, Angular JS components use the controller alias $ctrl, but we may change it if required. Work greatly facilitate with Angular JS components.
The @Component() decorator supplies the template and also other component-specific metadata after identifying the class underneath it as a component.
Decorators: Decorators are techniques that alter how JavaScript classes look. In order for the system to grasp what classes represent and how they should act, Angular provides a collection of decorators that attach specific sorts of information to classes.
What are the angular js filters?
The information is changed using Angular js Filters. They can join together in expressions or directives using the pipe (|) symbol. We can prepare data for UI presentation using Angular js filters without changing the data’s original format.
A directive or expression that uses the pipe | symbol may use in combination with Angular js Filters.
{{expression | filterName:parameter }}
For formatting data of various types, Angular JS provides a wide range of filters. The following is a list of the most popular filters.
Views are groups of screen components that define by Angular js Components. Angular may choose and modify these views based on the logic and also data in your programme.
You may build AngularJS Components using the programming language AngularJS that rely on services to provide functionality that isn’t directly related to views. Your code will become more modular, reusable, and also effective by using service providers as dependencies in components.
Modules, Angular JS components, and services all employ decorators. The metadata provided by these decorators tells Angular what kind of element it is and also what purpose it serves.
Lowercase Filter:
Add a lowercase filter to an expression by using the pipe character. An example of an angular js filter is the lowercase filter. To print the student’s name in lowercase letters, we have a lowercase filter provided.
Enter first name:<input type = “text” ng-model = “student.firstName”>
Enter last name: <input type = “text” ng-model = “student.lastName”>
Name in Lower Case: {{student.fullName() | lowercase}}
We utilize the subject name filter to show only the subjects that are necessary.
Enter subject: <input type = “text” ng-model = “subjectName”>
<li ng-repeat = “subject in student.subjects | filter: subjectName”> {{ subject.name + ‘, marks:’ + subject.marks }}
Uppercase Filter:
The pipe element can use to add an uppercase filter to a statement. The student’s name will print in all capital letters thanks to the introduction of the uppercase filter in angular js filters.
Enter first name:<input type = “text” ng-model = “student.firstName”>
Enter last name: <input type = “text” ng-model = “student.lastName”>
Name in Upper Case: {{student.fullName() | uppercase}}
OrderBy Filter:
We utilize orderBy marks to sort subjects by marks.
<li ng-repeat = “subject in student.subjects | orderBy:’marks'”> {{ subject.name + ‘, marks:’ + subject.marks }}
Currency Filter:
Add a currency filter to an expression that returns a number by using the pipe character. We’ve included a currency filter so that fees may print in currency format.
Enter fees: <input type = “text” ng-model = “student.fees”>
fees: {{student.fees | currency}}
What is angular js leatest version?
Angular js 12, the most recent version of Google’s well-known TypeScript-based web framework, has upgrade. Angular 12.1 includes enhancements for the compiler, compiler CLI, router, and service workers in addition to compiler support for shorter property declarations. which Angular JS version is the most recent.
The Angular 12.1 point release also contains APIs to enable correct test deconstruction behaviour. The compiler modifications deal with unfinished interpolation and view restoration, whereas the service worker enhancements deal with service worker cache naming, accessing, and cleanup.
The most recent version of Angular js 12, which has been through several beta releases and also release candidates, was made available on GitHub on May 12. In favour of the more recent Ivy technology, a next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline with speedier AOT (ahead of time) compilation, the conventional View Engine compilation and also rendering pipeline is deprecated in Angular JS 12.
Learning Angular JS is extremely simple. Both novices and specialists may use AngularJS.
Web apps are made using the free JavaScript framework Angular JS from Google. It is open for anybody to use, alter, and also share.
The Angular js team has said that View Engine would discontinue in a later release. Although existing View Engine libraries will continue to work with Ivy apps, library authors urge to start making the switch.
The Ivy-based language service, which offers functions like code completion and template recommendations, also changes from opt-in to enabled by default in Angular JS 12. The version 12 release also includes the following improvements and new features:
With the addition of the legacy-migrate format, localize-extract can now produce a JSON file that can use to change legacy message IDs to canonical ones.
Strict null checks will warn you if a null fragment is possible. A whole new dynamic has emerged.
The type of the APP-INITIALIZER token has change to more accurately reflect the range of return values that Angular can manage. A whole new dynamic has emerged.
Animations may now turn off using the BrowserAnimationsModulewithConfig.
The emit event option is now available for FormArray and also FormGroup. A whole new dynamic has emerged.
More granular control has introduce to routerLinkActiveOptions.
Configurations for individual router outlets are accepted.
TypeScript 4.0 and TypeScript 4.1 are no longer supported, however TypeScript 4.2 is.
The appendAll() method of HttpParams uses.
Forms are adding minimum and also maximum value validators.
You may export a list of HTTP status codes.
You may now retrieve the locations of components that use a template file using the Angular Language Service capability.
The language server now has a way to get diagnostics for compiler settings, which now include recommendations to enable strict templates.
Why learn angular.js?
A free and open-source framework for creating internet apps is AngularJS. The concept was created in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. Google is now in charge of keeping it current. Version 1.2.21 is the most recent one.
- A potent framework for creating Rich Internet Applications is AngularJS (RIA).
- The Model View Controller (MVC) client-side programmes may elegantly create using JavaScript and also AngularJS.
- Applications built using AngularJS are cross-browser interoperable. JavaScript code is processed by AngularJS independently of the browser.
- Thousands of developers utilise the open-source, cost-free AngularJS framework, which use by thousands of them worldwide. The Apache License 2.0 governs how it is distributed.
Large-scale, high-performance and easy-to-maintain web applications may create using the AngularJS framework.