What is CodeIgnitor and it’s features?
- FrameworksProgramming Books
- June 25, 2022
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A library for PHP website developers, CodeIgniter is an application development framework. Its goal is to provide a large number of libraries for common tasks, as well as an easy-to-use interface and logical structure for accessing these libraries, to allow you to construct projects much faster than if you started from scratch. CodeIgniter enables you to concentrate more creatively on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
CodeIgniter employs the Model-View-Controller programming model. A software design pattern called MVC separates the logic of an application from its user interface. In reality, your web pages can have very minimal scripting because the display is independent of PHP coding. Your model classes will often have methods to let you retrieve, insert, and update databases.
Send a request to the controller, for instance, if you add more customers with id=3, the controller will ask the CodeIgniter models to get the record with id=3. The data may send to the handler via the CodeIgniter classes. The view then makes the result fit for human consumption after receiving it from the controller. The results are then displayed to the user in the browser.
What are the features of CodeIgniter?
Let’s examine a few of the aspects that give CodeIgniter its strength. The list that follows is not exhaustive, but it gives you a general idea of what to expect while using CodeIgniter.
Small footprint:
The CodeIgniter framework’s source code is around 2MB in size. This makes understanding CodeIgniter’s operation simple to learn. Additionally, it makes deployment and updating simpler.
Blazing fast:
Users want programs that load quickly. You’ll note that they load in less than a second after installation if you’ve worked with any of the more modern frameworks. It can often load in under 50 milliseconds. You don’t have to spend as much time optimizing while working with the CodeIgniter framework as you would with another framework.
Loosely coupled:
The built-in features are designed to work alone, without the aid of other parts. This makes updating and maintenance simple.
MVC architecture:
The PHP CodeIgniter framework employs the Model-View-Controller architectural architecture. It accepts industry practice when dealing with online applications. In MVC, data, business logic, and presentation are all divided.
Excellent documentation:
In addition to having a wealth of helpful books, tutorials, and solutions to forum questions, it features a well-documented foundation. This suggests that no matter what challenge you’re encountering, it’s likely that someone else has already encountered it, found a solution, and is eager to provide it to you.
Short learning curve:
It is easy to learn for anyone already familiar with PHP. The learner may quickly pick up CodeIgniter and start using it to create professional apps.
CodeIgniter comes with various libraries and utilities pre-installed. If you’re having trouble finding anything or want to modify an already-existing function. Then you can easily accomplish this by creating libraries, helpers, packages, etc. REST APIs may create with CodeIgniter as well.
What does CodeIgniter’s designation as an MVC framework mean?
CodeIgniter employs the Model-View-Controller (MVC) programming paradigm. A software design paradigm called MVC separates the user interface from application functionality. In reality, your web pages might contain very minimal scripting because the display is separate from the PHP coding.
Model: The Model is a representation of your data structures. You can often retrieve, insert, and update data in your database using the functions in your model classes.
View: The data that the user sees is known as the View. A view is frequently a web page, but it may also be a section of a page, such as a header or a footer. A web page, an RSS feed, or any other type of “page” might be it.
Controller: The Model, the View, and any other resources necessary to handle the HTTP request and produce a web page are all connected through the Controller.
What are the benefits of using the CodeIgniter Framework?
The comparatively simple architecture of this framework makes it easy for beginning developers to adapt and incorporate.
The active record makes it easy to create a clear SQL statement.
User input may easily filter thanks to the input class’s ready availability of server-side validation.
Developers may avoid running pages of code by using the CodeIgniter framework.
In terms of capability, speed, dependability, and weight, Codeigniter is superior.
The PHP framework is a straightforward debugging tool that makes it easy to find and fix errors in your code. Development may let you extend your PHP coding to include certain capabilities by using frameworks. Since many aspects of web development are almost identical, many techniques can use to represent the same code.
A fairly straightforward method for using modular apps is to utilize Codeigniter PHP development.
Codeigniter PHP Development is compatible with the majority of web servers, operating systems, and platforms. Different relational database management systems can utilize PHP.
There are PHP developers all around the world, and if you’re experiencing problems with Codeigniter PHP development, forums and blogs may be a great source of assistance.
Both Codeigniter’s performance and aesthetics are first-rate.
Developers are familiar with Codeigniter because of how simple it is to use while installing the PHP framework.
What is the difference between CodeIgniter vs Laravel?
While Codeigniter is object-oriented, Laravel is relational.
While Laravel has authentication built-in via authentication classes, Codeigniter does not.
Codeigniter lacks a built-in unit testing tool, but Laravel has.
While it is object-oriented and event-driven, Laravel is component-oriented.
Compared to Codeigniter, Laravel includes a lot of additional features that are difficult for beginners to grasp.
Modularity had a key role in the development of the Laravel framework. Developers can divide a project into individual components using the bundle. CodeIgniter doesn’t have any built-in modularity features. Developers must thus create and manage modules using Modular Extension.
Laravel’s official documentation is comprehensive and helpful. On the other side, Laracast.com can offer more help.
Numerous built-in capabilities are available with The CodeIgniter, and their website has a user manual you may use even if you have no prior programming experience.
Why I should learn CodeIgniter?
One of the most well-known and potent PHP frameworks is called CodeIgniter. Developers that want a straightforward and attractive toolkit for building feature-rich web apps typically prefer the CodeIgniter framework. It is the best framework available if you wish to use PHP to create dynamic websites.
Customers are liberated from the MVC paradigm by CodeIgniter’s total control over their development. The framework is compatible with third-party plugins that add complex features. Two of CodeIgniter’s standout characteristics are high security and encryption techniques.
You should understand why it is the greatest PHP framework to utilize if you work as a PHP developer or are thinking about doing so.
The routing method used by CodeIgniter is rather simple and provides better stability and support.
- It also allows for website caching, which enhances performance and reduces loading times.
- The framework is well-organized and simple to comprehend.
- There is a significant community behind CodeIgniter;
- This framework is rather easy to document. They are really helpful and have a fix for every problem.