Kotlin programming language it’s uses and features
- Data AnalyticsData Science
- August 1, 2022
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Programming languages serve as the foundation for all applications. You must be knowledgeable in a number of programming languages, such as Python, PHP, and others, in order to develop code or apps. Kotlin is a popular programming language.
Kotlin is a statically typed, type-inferred wide-sense programming language. It’s a popular app development tool for Android. Although Kotlin is designed to interact smoothly with Java, and its source file’s JVM implementation is built on the Java Class Library, type inference allows for more concise syntax. Kotlin is primarily intended for use with the JVM, although it may also be compiled into JavaScript or native code. JetBrains and Chrome both support Kotlin via the Kotlin Organization.
Kotlin is a programming language for instruments that includes data types, operations, I/O annotations, monitor measurements, calls, classes, object declarations, and constructors, among other things. Kotlin is suggested language for development because of its interoperability, low runtime, and efficient coding qualities.
History of Kotlin programming language:
As the history of Kotlin programming language, JetBrains released Kotlin in 2010. It was initially made available in July 2011 as Project Kotlin. Because the majority of their products, including the IntelliJ Idea, were developed in Java, they sought a language that was easy, elegant, expressive, and compatible with it. They desired a new language with fewer boilerplate functions and new features such as higher-order functions to make the language more expressive and concise. One goal of the Kotlin programming language was to create code that compiles as quickly as Java.
JetBrains licensed the project under the Apache 2 license in February 2012. On February 15, 2016, Kotlin v1.0 was released.
Uses of Kotlin programming language:
Kotlin is a programming language based on the Java Virtual Machine that can coexist with Java. Although Kotlin was designed specifically for Android development, its capabilities quickly expanded outside the Java community, and it is currently used in a variety of apps.
Multi-platform mobile development:
Kotlin Multi-platform Mobile is a software development kit for creating cross-platform mobile apps. This means you’ll be able to use a single Kotlin codebase to develop apps for not only Android phones but also iPhones and the Apple Watch. This initiative is still in its infancy, but it has enormous promise.
Full-stack web development:
Kotlin makes sense for server-side web development. Java, after all, has been there from the beginning. You may still use Kotlin for front-end development while using Kotlin/JS.
Developers may utilize Kotlin/JS to access advanced browsers and web APIs in a type-safe way. Full-Stack Developers are just required to use Kotlin. Front-end code can be written in the same language as back-end code and compiled into JavaScript for browser execution.
Data science:
The data scientists have long depended on Java to crunch data, uncover patterns, and make predictions, so it stands to reason that Kotlin will do the same.
Data science can use any Java library in their Kotlin apps, but they must write their own code. Jupyter and Zeppelin, two tools used by many Data Scientists for data visualization and exploratory research, include support for Kotlin.
Back-end web development:
Back-end web development in Java is common, with frameworks such as Spring being popular. Kotlin, on the other hand, made inroads into server-side web development because it was so much easier for developers to work with.
Because of the language’s existing features, Web Developers can design programs that scale quickly on commodity hardware. Kotlin and Java are compatible, you may convert an application to Kotlin one file at a time while the rest of the program remains in Java.
Because Kotlin is compatible with Spring and other frameworks, you won’t have to discard what you’ve already learned. Many companies, including Google, Amazon, and others, have already used Kotlin for certain server-side work.
Android development:
Kotlin is the ideal language for Android development because it allows developers to write code that is more concise, expressive, and secure. Android Studio, the official Android development IDE, fully supports it, so you can get the same code completion and type-checking for Kotlin code as you get for Java code.
Because the majority of consumers now use their phones to access the internet, most businesses must have a mobile presence. Because Android accounts for more than 70% of the smartphone market, Kotlin developers would be in high demand even if the language were just utilized for Android development. However, it may be used for much more.
What is the difference between Java vs Kotlin?
Kotlin may be used by developers to write object-oriented and functional programming. In contrast, Java is restricted to object-oriented programming.
Kotlin allows for the construction of extensions, although Java does not.
In Kotlin, implicit conversions are not supported; nevertheless, implicit conversions are supported in Java.
Null objects and variables are common components of the Java programming language. Kotlin does not support null variables or objects.
In Java, static members are utilized, however, they are not supported in Kotlin.
Primitive type variables in Kotlin are objects, but primitive type variables in Java are not.
Lambda Expression is supported in Kotlin. Java, on the other hand, does not provide this feature. (Lambda Expression is supported in Java 8)
Variable datatype definition is not required in Kotlin, however variable datatype specification is required in Java.
What are the Pros and Cons of Kotlin programming language?
Pros of Kotlin programming language:
Increases the productivity of the team:
Kotlin is a programming language influenced by Java. Kotlin can help you solve a variety of Java problems. The Kotlin has a concise syntax that makes it easy to work with. Kotlin is also a programming language that is simple, succinct, and efficient.
Development Time is Cut in Half:
Kotlin can help you create Android apps faster. You’ll spend less time waiting for your code changes to take effect since Kotlin programs are smaller and compile faster than Java ones.
Improved Error Messages:
When errors occur in your software, a stack trace is frequently presented. The Kotlin error messages are more helpful than Java error messages, making it simpler to find and rectify mistakes.
Kotlin is a more concise language:
It is a short and sweet programming language. It can help you write less code, which is easier to understand and maintain. Furthermore, Kotlin includes several features that Java does not have, such as null-safety and data classes.
Java is supported:
Kotlin is backward-compatible with Java code. Using Kotlin and Java in the same project is not a problem. This also makes it possible to switch your existing Java codebase to Kotlin.
Cons of Kotlin:
In contrast to Java:
Despite the fact that it is based on Java, Kotlin is not the same. This may be baffling to Java-experienced developers. Furthermore, Kotlin has features that Java does not, such as null safety and data classes.
Reduced Compilation Time:
Kotlin compiles slower than Java. As a result, your code will take longer to compile, which may irritate developers accustomed to faster compilation rates.
There is less talent available for hire:
However, as the Kotlin programming language is gained popularity, particularly since Google designated it as the dominant language for Android app development, the number of Kotlin app builders has skyrocketed.
Learning Resources are Limited:
While there are several resources available to help you learn Kotlin, they may not be as comprehensive as those for Java. This might be a disadvantage if you’re just starting started and want further assistance.
A sense of dread about the future:
Because Kotlin is so new, there is a lot of uncertainty about its future. It is questionable whether Kotlin will maintain its popularity over time.
What is the Features of Kotlin programming language ?:
Kotlin offers a concise syntax that reduces boilerplate code, making
codebases more readable and maintainable. Features like data classes and smart
casts contribute to this conciseness.
Null Safety:
This distinguishes between nullable and non-nullable types, which helps
prevent null pointer exceptions at runtime.
Smart Casts:
Kotlin’s smart casts automatically cast types when certain conditions are
met, eliminating the need for explicit casting and type checks in most cases.
Extension Functions:
Kotlin allows developers to add new functions to existing classes without
inheriting from them. This feature is called extension functions and promotes a
more functional programming style.
Kotlin provides built-in support for coroutines, which allows for
asynchronous programming without the complexity of callbacks or traditional
concurrency constructs.
Kotlin is interoperabled with Java. Existing Java code can be called
from Kotlin and vice versa, making it easy to migrate projects incrementally.
Kotlin encourages immutability, which can lead to safer and more predictable
code. Immutable data classes and read-only properties are fundamental concepts
in Kotlin.
Comprehensive Standard Library:
Kotlin comes with a rich standard library that includes utilities for
working with collections, I/O operations, and more. This library simplifies
common programming tasks.
Type Inference:
Kotlin has a strong static type system, but it also supports type inference,
allowing developers to omit the type when it can be inferred by the compiler.