What is the Laravel framework and its features?
- FrameworksProgramming Books
- June 28, 2022
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The open-source PHP Laravel framework is powerful and simple to use. It makes use of the model-view-controller design pattern. To assist in the creation of web applications, Laravel makes use of already-existing components from other frameworks. The web application as a result is more organized and useful.
If you are familiar with Core PHP and Advanced PHP, Laravel will simplify your work. It will save you a tonne of time if you’re creating a website from scratch. A Laravel-based website is also secure and resistant to a range of online dangers.
The basic features of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter and Yii, as well as those of other programming languages like Ruby on Rails, all include Laravel’s extensive feature set. Web development will be sped considerably by the numerous functionalities that Laravel offers.
What is the History of Laravel?
The most popular PHP framework in 2011 was Codeigniter. It is widely used because it is straightforward to learn and had clear documentation. Many web developers utilize the CodeIgniter framework, but it was lacking several crucial features, such as user authorization and authentication. Laravel to created by Taylor Otwell to take the place of the Codeigniter framework.
What are the Versions of Laravel?
Laravel 1:
On June 9, 2011, the first beta version of Laravel was published, followed one month later by Laravel 1. Laravel 1 has authentication, localization, models and relationships, a rudimentary routing system, caching, sessions, and views in addition to extendibility via modules, libraries and HTML tools.
Developers choose Laravel 1 because of its straightforward syntax even if it does not follow the MVC architecture. Following the creation of Laravel 1, Taylor Otwell added fresh features including validation techniques, pagination, a command-line package installer, and an attractive ORM.
The addition of new functionality led to the creation of Laravel 2, which was finished in less than six months.
Laravel 2:
The Laravel Framework was made available on November 24, 2011. Laravel 2 adheres to the MVC paradigm and solves the issues that plagued Laravel 1. In the truest meaning of the word, Laravel 2 is an MVC framework. Because controllers have incorporated, Laravel 2 is now recognized as a fully certified MVC framework. This framework’s lack of support for third-party modules is its main drawback.
Laravel 3:
Laravel 3 was released on February 22, 2012. This release includes several features, such as unit test integration, the Artisan command-line interface, database migrations, events, sessions drivers, and database drivers. The most reliable and simple framework for building different types of web projects was Laravel 3. Many developers start switching to the Laravel framework once Laravel 3 make available as a stable version. The creator of the framework start work on Laravel 4, a new version of the framework, five months after the Laravel 3 release.
Laravel 4:
On May 28, 2013, Laravel version 4 was released, one year and three months after version 3. Despite showing that the framework is changing by offering new versions, this practice damages the framework’s credibility. Laravel 4 has a promising future in PHP development and was created in response to developer concerns for stability.
Laravel 4 was created from the ground up as a set of interconnected components. These components manage by Composer, open-source dependency management. In Laravel 4, features that not included in earlier versions of Laravel include database seeding, message queues, an integrated mailer, an expressive ORM with scopes, soft deletes, and many more.
Laravel 5:
As a replacement for the previous Laravel 4 version, Laravel 5 released in February 2015. One of the new features in Laravel 5 is Scheduler, a package that enables you to schedule finished operations on a regular basis. By utilizing the Socialite package, an abstraction layer that enables distant storage to use in the same way as local storage, an elixir makes authentication simpler. A directory tree structure also include as a new capability for creating apps.
Laravel 5.1:
Laravel 5.1 was launched in June of 2015. A redesigned directory structure, simplified method injection, and the idea of route caching are just a few of the new features in Laravel 5.1.
Laravel 5.2:
It which was released in December 2015, featured authentication scaffolding, array validation, server monitoring, and Laravel cashier.
Laravel 5.3:
This was released in August of 2016. The highlights include Laravel Scout, Laravel Echo, New Notification System, and Passport.
Laravel 5.4:
Laravel 5.4 was released in January 2017. Along with other improvements, Laravel 5.4 comes with Laravel Dusk, Laravel Mix, Automatic Facades, and Routing.
Laravel 5.5:
The Laravel 5.5 version was released in August 2017. To enhance the functionality of the Laravel application, PHP 7 was added to this version. Route ways and Automatic Package Discovery, which enables you to install packages automatically, are further new features in Laravel 5.5.
Laravel 5.6:
Laravel 5.6 was launched in February of this year. Among the new features are the creation of API controllers and new blade directives. New features like Argon and Password Hashing Support include in Laravel 5.6. Bootstrap 4 was used in this version because it was made available before Laravel 5.6.
Laravel 5.7:
Launched in September 2018, Laravel 5.7 has features like Laravel Dump Server and Laravel Nova. Along with improved error messages, Laravel 5.7 also adds a few new features like URL Generator and Callable Syntax.
What are the Features of the Laravel framework:
Following are the 8 features of the Laravel framework.
Template engine:
Lightweight templates from the Laravel framework may be used to create attractive layouts with dynamic content seeding. A number of widgets with sound structures and CSS and JS code are also included. The intelligent design of Laravel templates enables you to assemble both simple and complex layouts using various components.
MVC Architecture Support:
Business logic and presentation layers are kept apart since Laravel adheres to the MVC architectural paradigm. The MVC architecture used by Laravel has many built-in capabilities, improves application performance, and increases security and scalability.
Authorization Technique for coding:
The authorization and authentication component of the code is the most important part when developing an application. It also determines how long it will take each programmer to produce a new piece of work. A logical method for altering authorization logic and regulating access to diverse resources is included in the framework.
Because Laravel includes validation computer code, the amount of coding time effectively decreases. Developers now have the freedom and flexibility to work on any kind of software thanks to the application reasoning capability.
For web applications, the Laravel framework offers exceptional security. It makes use of a hashed and salted password technique to make sure that the password keeps in the database in plain form. An encrypted password creates using the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm.” To protect against dangers from SQL injection, this PHP web development framework additionally employs prepared SQL statements.
The majority of time-consuming repetitive programming tasks automate with the aid of Artisan, a built-in command-line tool in the Laravel framework. The database structure, skeleton code, and migration management may all be built by these artisans, making the database system very simple to administer. Additionally, it can handle these assets and their parameters from the command line and construct simple MVC files. Even helping developers create their own commands that they may use whenever necessary, Artisan.
Libraries and modular:
Along with a number of other pre-installed libraries, Laravel comes with Object-Oriented libraries. No other PHP framework comes with pre-installed libraries.
A user-friendly authentication library with cutting-edge features like Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection, active user checking, encryption, and password reset is one of the pre-installed libraries.
It divides into various modules that adhere to modern PHP standards and enable programmers to construct flexible, user-friendly, and responsive web applications.
Monolog logging library:
Laravel is one of the best platforms for error handling since it integrates with the Monolog Logging library and provides several potent log handlers.
When users click the Submit button on data entry forms, errors frequently become visible and obvious, thus if something goes wrong, the proper cause should make aware.
Unit testing:
The Laravel framework is a reality for many people who have lived their entire lives working in a modular way. Using this framework, the developers were able to create unit tests for their code, leading to a finished product with good integration. They just need to worry about how they develop their code units since Laravel makes it simple to combine those units into an entire application.
What is the difference between Django vs Laravel?
Every framework has a unique characteristic that draws consumers to it. This is where Django and Laravel are comparable. To fully understand the scope of each, though, you must go a little more in order to choose which one best suits your needs. Performance between Django and Laravel compares here.
Let’s examine some straightforward routing codes written in both languages. Laravel’s code seems to be quite user-friendly at first glance. On the other hand, it seems like Django’s coding is rather intricate. This is because the routing method uses regular expressions, which are difficult for the faint of heart, especially for beginners.
Code comparison between both frameworks is as follows:
<? php Route:get(‘/’, function() { return view(‘posts.index’); }); Route:get(‘/posts/create’, function() { return view(‘posts.create’); }); ?>
urlptterns = [
#ex: /polls/
path('', view.index, name='index'),
#ex: /polls/5/
path('', view.detail, name='detail'),
#ex: /polls/5/results/
It should go without saying that this framework is well-like. The computer and electronics, food and beverage, scientific, and reference industries all use Django as their preferred website framework. In the United States, France, Spain, Russia, and more than 30 other nations, it is the most used web framework.
Laravel, on the other hand, uses a broader number of website categories, including business and industry, Internet and telecommunications, commerce, and tourism. Brazil, China, the UK, and 157 other nations all make extensive use of it as a web platform.
Both the Django and Laravel communities are quite responsive and active. Both organizations have a sizable number of contributors on Github, and additions are frequent. Someone from the community will surely assist you if you ever become stuck in one of these frameworks.
Learning curve:
The learning curve for Python is almost nonexistent. Django is really easy to use and understand. By enhancing code readability, the Django framework instantly puts the novice developer at rest.
You may learn about modern PHP development approaches, such as database migrations, Eloquent ORM Composer, packages, REST, templating, and more, with Laravel’s excellent user-friendliness. Due to the steep learning curve, there are numerous study tools, but you must become proficient with them.
Django is unquestionably in the lead here. Because it is such a rapid language, Python readily prevailed when tested against Laravel and Django for JSON serialization in 2018. Compared to Django’s 69k JSON replies per second, Laravel could only produce 8k responses per second. Unfortunately, Laravel is slower than Django.
The internet is a hostile environment where attacks and weaknesses frequently exploit. Frameworks must thus provide protection against a variety of dangers, including SQL injections and cross-site scripting. Django takes security extremely seriously and helps developers adopt security best practices while avoiding common web development errors. Although Laravel provides the fundamental security measures, Django offers a higher level of security. Because of this, Django uses to build the NASA website, for instance.
You can decide to build a client-centric application utilizing a RESTful API instead of employing all the capabilities that a back-end framework offers as you may not need them all. The beautiful thing about Laravel is that all queries by default return JSON, providing built-in support for API development. You will need to use a library to go around Django’s lack of this capability and offer the same functionality.