What are SQL and the process and commands of SQL?

What are SQL and the process and commands of SQL?

What is SQL?

A standardized programming language called SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to manage relational databases and also carry out operations on the data they contain. Database administrators, programmers writing scripts for data integration, and data analysts setting up and performing analytical queries all utilize SQL, which was initially established in the 1970s.

For transaction processing and analytics, SQL may be used to modify the table and also index structures of databases, add, edit, and remove rows of data, and retrieve subsets of data from databases. The writing of queries and also other SQL operations frequently use statements. Examples of SQL statements include select, insert, update, delete, create, modify, and truncate.

After being introduced in the late 1970s and early 1980s, SQL quickly rose to become the de facto industry standard for relational databases. Rows and also columns of data are carried in a sequence of tables that make up relational systems sometimes referred to as SQL databases. In a table, each row corresponds to a data value for the intersecting column, and each column denotes a type of data (for example, customer name or address).

What is the history of SQL?

Dr. Edgar F. “Ted” Codd, who established IBM in 1970, is regarded as the inventor of relational databases. A relational database model was discussed.

In 1974, Structured Query Language made its debut.

1978, IBM created the System/R product after developing Codd’s ideas.

1986, IBM developed the first relational database prototype, which ANSI standardized. The first relational database was created by Relational Software, which later changed its name to Oracle.

Important commands of SQL:

  • SELECT: This command pulls information from a database.
  • UPDATE: This is a database update command that updates data in a database.
  • DELETE: This is an SQL command that deletes data from a database.
  • INSERT INTO: This command adds new information to a database.
  • CREATE DATABASE: This command creates a new database.
  • ALTER DATABASE: This is a command that changes the contents of a database.
  • CREATE TABLE: This command creates a new table in the database.
  • ALTER TABLE: This is a command that changes the appearance of a table.
  • DROP TABLE: This is a command that removes a table from the database.
  • CREATE INDEX: This is a function that generates an index (search key)
  • DROP INDEX: This is a command that removes an index from the database.

SQL Process:

A relational database management system will automatically choose the right routine to execute our request when we provide an SQL command, and the SQL engine will determine how to interpret that command.

The four components of the Structured Query Language procedure are as follows:

  • Query Dispatcher
  • Optimization Engines
  • Traditional Query Engine
  • SQL Query Engine, and so on.

Advantages of SQL:

Numerous advantages of SQL have contributed to its rising popularity in the data science community. It’s an excellent query language for users and also data professionals to communicate with databases. The following are some advantages or gains of structured query language:

There is no requirement for programming:

SQL requires a relatively small number of coding lines for database administration. We can rapidly access and also manage the database using fundamental SQL syntactical principles. These fundamental principles make SQL user-friendly.

Query Processing at a High Rate:

SQL queries are used to quickly and effectively retrieve large amounts of data from the database. Less time is required for data operations like insertion, deletion, and also updating.

The language that is interactive:

The SQL language is easy to understand and learn. We may also use it to interact with the database because it is a simple query language. Additionally, this language is used to get quick answers to challenging questions.

A language that is standardized:

SQL complies with ISO and ANSI standards, giving its customers a uniform platform no matter where they are around the globe.


The structured query language may be used on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and also even smartphones. Depending on the demands of the user, it can also be used in conjunction with other programs.

There are several data views available:

Numerous database structure views for various database users may also be created with the help of the SQL language.

Disadvantages of SQL:


There are several SQL versions with high operational costs. The usage of Structured Query Language is therefore not possible for all programmers.

The User Interface is Complicated:

The Structured Query Language interface’s complexity makes it challenging for SQL users to use and administer, which is another important drawback.

Control over a portion of the database:

The rules governing business are kept secret. Because of this, users and data experts who utilize this query language are unable to have total database control.

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